The #1 dermatologist1 and pharmacist recommended antiseptic skin cleanser2 — available over the counter

Lasting protection in the hospital and your home
The #1 dermatologist1 and pharmacist recommended antiseptic skin cleanser2 — available over the counter

Proven protection for all of life’s moments.

Strong enough for healthcare, gentle enough for everyday3
Did you know HibiClens isn’t just for healthcare settings? It’s the #1 dermatologist1 recommended antiseptic cleanser because it’s gentle on skin — almost as gentle as water.3 This is just one reason why HibiClens is the perfect choice for maintaining everyday hand hygiene.

Stand up to germs with lasting protection
HibiClens isn’t like soap. It binds to the skin to form a lasting layer of residue-free protection that keeps killing germs — even between washes.4 The secret? HibiClens contains a fast-acting antiseptic called chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG), which begins killing bacteria and other germs on contact and binds to the skin for lasting protection.4

Hibi® for hospitals. Hibi® for home.
Recommended for pre- and post-op
skin cleansing
Gentle enough for daily use
Begins killing germs on contact6 and provides
lasting protection
Protects against bacteria that can cause infections7

Trusted by healthcare professionals for
40+ years
- IQVIA ProVoice Survey, 12 month end Sep 2020.
- Mölnlycke Health Care, Data on File. Study # R05-0225
- Paulson, DS. Comparative Evaluation of Five Surgical Hand Scrub Preparations. AORN Journal 1994, Vol 60 No 2:246-256
- Ferrara MS, Courson R. Paulson DS. Evaluation of Persistent Antimicrobial Effects of an Antimicrobial Formulation. Journal of Athletic Training. 2011;46(6):629-63
- Paulson, Daryl S. Persistent and Residual Antimicrobial Effects: Are They Important in the Clinical Setting? Infection Control Today 2005; Vol 9, No 4.
- Denton, G. Chlorhexidine. In: Block S, ed. Disinfection, Sterilization, and Preservation, 4th Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1991:274-89.3.T